How to Write A Great History Essay

To begin, we have to ask: What is a quality history paper? No two people are likely to totally agree, and that’s in the sense that the quality of a piece depends on the perception and also reflects the mind and state of mind of the audience. Therefore, what follows does not deal with philosophical questions but gives you practical advice on how to compose an essay that can get top marks.


In court, witnesses are required that they will speak truthfully with the whole truth and nothing less than the truth. Every history student should take in a similar way: to answer the questionin full, including the entire question and not only the question. This is the most important rule. You can write brilliantly and present your case with many convincing proofs however, if you’re not being relevant then you may as well just be tinkering a cymbal. That’s why you have to think very in detail about the problem you’re asked to answer. Make sure you avoid the fatal error of weaker students whodo not fail to answer the question that the examiners should have set however, they didn’t. You should take your time and study attentively at the language of the question, and then be sure in your mind to have fully understood the whole meaning.

If, for instance, it is asked why Hitler became the leader It is essential to know what the process to get to power consisted of. Is there any specific event which demonstrates his emergence into power? If you’re tempted to immediately focus on his appointment as Chancellor, think carefully and ask yourself what real powers this office gave can find more here from Our Articles Was the passage of the Enabling Act more important? And when did the rise to power actually start? Will you need to refer to Hitler’s childhood and birth or the hyperinflation that occurred in the early 1920s? If you can decide the pertinent years – and thus, which ones don’t matter it is a the right choice. In the next step, you’ll need to figure out some of the factors behind the rise of his popularity.

If you’re given the task of describing the achievements of one particular person Try not to write down your first thought to pop to mind. Make a list of possible achievements. If you do, you are likely to be faced with the dilemma of what constitutes’success’. What is it that it means? Is it the fulfillment of the goals of one’s? Is it objective (a reality) or subjective (a subject of opinion)? Do we have to think about either long-term or short-term results? If a person has unusual luck, is that still a success? The struggle of definition will help you put together a complete list of achievements, and you can then proceed to explain themby delving into their history along with a clear explanation of how they came about. Are there any key characteristic of the winnings? If it is, it might be the basis of your reply.

The most important word in the above sections is consider. This is different from daydreaming, remembering and idle speculation. Thinking isn’t an easy undertaking, and most of us contrive to avoid it most of the time. But there’s no way around it in order to score the very best marks. Be sure to think as deep at your wits end about the significance about the topic, the questions it poses and the best ways to answer it. The key is to think hard . Then you must think it over and look for ways to improve your reasoning. In the end, you’ll probably be confused. Be calm: confusion usually an essential step towards the pursuit of clarity. If you’re totally lost Take a break. If you come back to the problem the possibility is that your issues have been solved. If not, give yourself additional time. You may well find that the best ideas are able to pop into your head at random times.

It is the Vital First Paragraph

Every section of your essay is crucial, but that first paragraph is particularly important. It’s the first chance you’ll have to impress or depress – an examiner, and first impressions often determine. You might therefore try to craft a memorable first sentence. (‘Start with an earthquake , and then build until you reach a peak, advised the filmmaker Cecil B. De Mille.) The most important thing is to show that you are knowledgeable of the questions. Here , you present your carefully elaborate definitions of fundamental terms. And here you specify the timeframe and issues – that is, the specifics of the question. You also divide your overall question into manageable sub-divisions or smaller issues, on each of which you’ll later write one paragraph. Then, you formulate an argument, or even voice different lines of argument, that you’ll back up later in your essay. Thus, the opening paragraph – or , perhaps, you spread this section of the introduction over two paragraphs, is the main element to a successful essay.

After reading a great introduction, readers will be assured that it’s author is following the right path, being relevant analytic and rigorous. They’ll probably feel at the relief that this is one student at a minimum who avoids these two common mistakes. First, it is to forget the question altogether. The second is to create a narrative of events – typically beginning with the birth of a person – with a shaky attempt at answering your question in the conclusion paragraph.

Middle Paragraphs

Philip Larkin once said that the modern novel has two parts: a beginning messand an end. This is, unfortunately often the case in many essays on history. If you’ve done well-organized opening sections, where you’ve broken down the general question into separate and manageable areas your essay will not be confusing; it will be coherent.

It should be clear, in your middle paragraphs which question you’re answering. In reality, it’s a very good test of an essay. The reader can be able to guess the answer even if the title is hidden. Make sure to start each middle paragraph will a generalisation pertinent to the topic. After that, you can expand on this notion and prove it using evidence. The evidence you provide must be a carefully choice to support your argument. (i.e. quotes and facts) for the argument that you’re making. There is a finite amount of time or space and you must think about how much detail and detail to offer. It is possible for minor issues to be summarized with broad strokes. However, your most important areas require greater attention to detail. (Do not be one of those misguided candidates whounknowingly “go out and about” in aspects that aren’t important and then gloss over the most important ones.)

The regulations often specify that, during the A2 year, students must be well-versed in the principal opinions of historians. This is a must. On the other hand keep your distance from taking historiography to the extreme, such that the past itself is nearly ignored. Be sure not to fall into the false impression the only thing you need is sources of historical opinion. In many essays, students provide a generalisation and back it up with their own opinion of an historian . However, since they’ve constructed the generalisation by relying on the opinion this argument is incomplete, meaningless and inconclusive. This also implies that historians have the omniscience and infallibility of gods. Without a solid argument to support your claim – as historians do – this is merely an assertion. The middle paragraphs provide the space to determine the substance of an essay, and you neglect this at your risk.

Final Paragraph

If you’ve been debating a case in the body of your essay, make sure to drive it home in the closing paragraph. If you’ve analyzed a few alternatives, now is the time to say what’s the most correct option. In the middle, you will be like a barrister arguing a case. In the final paragraph, you play the judge who is summarizing the case and pronouncing the verdict.