How To Re-form V Shaped Glutes To Round Glutes

Unconventional “bubble” formed pair of glutes (or a heart-shaped bum) is a fairly common goal for a lot of women.

Yet, we’re born with different glute genetics that will largely control what shapes your glutes will take on.

I strongly suggest that you check out my hugely popular post that discusses How Your Genetics Shapes Your Glutes after you read this.

There are at least 4 most commonly used butt patterns, which are round, heart the square, heart, and inverted V-shaped.

A V-shaped shape for the booty lacks volume and it’s the lack of volume and shape that has many people irritated. The condition is more common among overweight and older women because they lose muscle mass and the distribution of fat shifts from the pelvic region to the abdomen.

If you’re naturally slim I suggest that you check out this blog post about how to build muscle for skinny women.

If you’re looking at this, then you could have a v-shaped bum which is why we’ll look into how we can turn the V-shaped booty to a peachier round set of glutes.

We need to create more mass in the body to increase the strength of that ass.More Here At our site We do that by placing our focus to strengthen the gluteus maximum and eating plenty of good food.

Glute Building Nutrition

There’s no reason to be trying to figure out exercises that make your glutes more rounded and muscular when you’re not addressing your nutrition first.

Read this article I wrote about glute-building nutrition.

Protein and calories are essential for building those glute muscles in order to transform your bulges from a v-shaped shape to round glutes, it is important to take in a healthy diet.

I’ve got a great and convenient CALORIE CALCULATOR on my website that will give you personalized calorie goals and macro splits advice and suggestions for either building muscle or burning fat. ensure you take a look.

Your Main Goal

You’ll need to invest an hour or two in calorie surplus by following a high protein diet to increase your glutes.

I suggest training your glutes daily, 3-4 times for a minimum of three months before you notice any changes in the shape of your glutes and size. But , honestly the best bums can require many years (not even a week) of constant work and efforts.

Remember that if a person doesn’t eat you’ll be unable to grow and your glute shape won’t change. You must gradually increase the intensity of your training in order to improve your. This article is a must read on Progressive Overload and why it’s crucial to booty growth.

This isn’t the ideal time to be focused on losing weight, this is about building. The shape of your stomach will change significantly if are focused on growing rather than shrinking. If fat loss is needed it will happen after.

Weights to lift,

Make sure it’s heavy.

Enhance your strength levels (remember gradual overload).

Cardio does not strengthen your glutes, so stop doing kickbacks when you are on the stairs and stairmaster! !

Exercises For V Shaped Glutes

To grow your glutes, it is essential to strengthen all glute muscle from every angle, but with V shaped glutes, we should focus more upon the gluteus maximus muscle – that’s the largest!

The Go To lifts are always be your number one priority, no matter what you want your glutes to appear like. these are your bread and butter.

Hip Thrusts – Barbell, banded and elevated foot Machine, single leg.

Glute Bridges – Kas Glute Bridge, Barbell, banded, single leg.

Deadlifts – Sumo, Conventional, Romanian.

Squats Squats Back, Front, Sumo, Goblet, Split.

Lunges – Static, Deficit, Walking.

Abductions – Machine, Fire hydrants, Cable, German etc.

Exercises for the Glute Max

A strong gluteus maximus gives your glutes extra size and volume . It also provides protection from chronic back pain by balancing out the forces in front of the hips and the abs. Therefore, activities that strengthen the glutes are crucial for all-day health and painless living, not only getting a slim, round bum.

The gluteus max is the largest muscle mass in our body. It’s responsible for making up almost all of what you call your bum therefore it requires a considerable amount of training quantity and intensity.

In order to build your glutes there are exercises that will work each of the major leg muscles and glute muscles using full range of motion and exercises.

Right from the beginning we’re going to need –

Barbell Hip Thrusts

They’re a vital part of any effective glute training program , but they are essential for people with v shaped butts seeking to add bulk. The hip thrust and it’s variations are the reason behind all those big, juicy and bulky booties you see all the time online on the internet.

Now is not a time to be shy, get comfy with a heavy barbell and a heavy set of weights – my client Emily was able to manage at least 200kg of hip thrust in 2020.

I suggest using an array of rep ranges and tempos for hip thrusts for maximum growth potential.

For example if you train glutes at least 3 times a week, you would do the following.

Monday – Heavy Weight/Low reps e.g. 5 sets of 4 to 6 reps.

Wednesday: Light weight/ High Reps e.g. 4 sets of 15-20 reps.

Friday moderate weight/moderate Sets of Reps with Pauses e.g. 5 sets of 10-12 Reps with 2-5 Second pauses like the video below.

Kas Glute Bridge

They’re an essential for many of my clients. However, it’s an exercise that is well-known (but it’s increasing in popularity). There is a Kas Glute Bridge. Kas Glute Bridge uses a minimal range of motion and it’s slow, controlled tempo that focuses on only the highest stretch of the glutes at the end of the range with the least amount of hamstrings and quads involved.

Definitely give this a go! !


The most powerful and king-like of power moves . It is an essential component for training legs and glutes. The three major muscles involved in the deadlift are located in the lower back, hip and knees. These include the quadricepsas well as the hamstrings and , of course, the gluteus maximus.

Deadlifts aren’t easy to master , and they are susceptible for ego lifting and poor form (see the other guys in your gym ) If you’re in doubt take your time and do it safely with an easier load or get an individual trainer.